Wednesday, March 3, 2010

some pics from this winter

I suck

I totally SUCK at blogging, and keeping up with it. But I promise I'm going to try this time, i would love to be able to look back in a few years and see what was going on when i was one of those crazy people who needs a double stroller. Its March YIPPEE, spring is right around the corner and it cant hurry fast enough. We had SO much snow this year, way way more then normal. I do not like snow, not at all. So anywho, Levi is 11 months old today! I cant even believe it, it feels like its only been a few months since he was born. The first year of Lola's life seemed to take forever and his flew by! I think its because I'm so busy with them, and im also more confident in parenting decisions and i know what to do with a baby. Also Lola entertains Levi most of the day, having kids close in age definitely has some advantages. Lola is getting closer to 3 everyday and that totally blows my mind, as does the fact that she still isn't anywhere near potty trained. Eventually, right? I'm sure one day, if i wait long enough she will rid herself of the paci and diapers...right? Ive never seen a 10 year old with them, so that's what I'm betting on.

So that's whats going on in my life right now, not a whole lot. Trying to potty train a strong willed 2 year old, and keep bumps and bruises off a curious 11 month old. And wishing for warm weather and things we can do to get us out of this house that we have been cooped up in all winter.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day One

First time blogging, so here we go....

Its FALL! I have come to love this time of year since having kids, before kids i despised Fall because it meant the end of summer. Now Fall means, holidays, fun things to do with kids, cooler weather for playing outside, a whole new wardrobe, and lots of time with friends and family. Halloween was on Saturday this year, which was really nice! Lola absolutely LOVED trick or treating, even though she wasn't keen on putting on her costume, a care bear, she really had a great time! She was running up to doors and shouting out TRICK OR TREAT, HAPPY HALLOWEEN and THANK YOU all in one sentence, lol sooo cute! Levi was a perfect angel as usual, and was content to sit in his stroller and look at all the people and lights around him. Now that Halloween is over, I'm automatically in CHRISTMAS MODE, i could actually skip right over thanksgiving, which to me isn't a very fun holiday. Just cooking all day, to eat it all in 20 min, and then have a huge mess to clean up, while the men watch football- seems like a normal day to me! But i do really enjoy black Friday, and when it rolls around it definitely means Christmas is right around the corner and the Christmas shopping extravaganza has begun. I absolutely love Christmas decorations, and we will have our tree up within a week or two, SO EXCTED! I cant wait to start seeing the first Christmas lights coming on, and taking the kids to look at lights, which we will do several times because its one of my most favorite things to do.